Monday, March 21, 2011

Metals - Advantages of Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel

Our group decided to do research about stainless steel. And i chose to do the advantages of using stainless steel.

Stainless steel has a very good property of resisting corrosion and rust. Adding Chromium to iron creates a corrosion resistance steel. Adding nickel and molybdenum increases the corrosion resistance strength which is used in rigid environments eg the marine industry.

The video shows how stainless steel resists to corrosion on a boat.

Stainless steel has a modern and attractive look. It is bright and easily maintained. Now days some jeweleries are coming out in stainless steel because of the shiny and attractive look to it. The bracelet below turns out to be a good valentines day gift :)
Stainless steel can be cut, welded, formed, machined and fabricated as easy as normal steels. Good flexibility. It is also very strong which increases impact resistance. It is very tough. The strength to weight advantage allows to be used with a reduced thickness over conventional steel grades. This results in cost ans space saving.

It is also fire and heat resistant. Unlike other steels it resists scaling and retains the tough strength at high temperatures. When the total life cycle costs are considered, stainless steel is often the least expensive material.

Stainless steel is also used in hygienic environments. It has an easy cleaning ability. The surface of stainless steel makes it difficult for germs to adhere and grow.

The video shows the advantages and aspects of stainless steel.


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